
05 April 2013

Our Spring "Staycation"

Spring Staycation 2013

As I've mentioned a time or two in the past couple weeks, life has been super busy for the past month or so. Our church had its annual Youth Rally which kept David very occupied for several weeks before hand; David preached and taught in our church's Bible college quite a bit; and we just generally had a lot going on in life. The week after the Youth Rally, David took off and we had a "staycation." 

When David first told me that he had a week off, I assumed we'd be going somewhere. He talked about staying home, and to be honest, I was a little bit dubious at first. I figured we would just end up doing our normal thing at home. That would have been fine, but I knew we (David especially) need some time to unwind and relax. 

Family 3.13

Thankfully, I  had no reason to worry. We had a fantastic week doing "vacation-y" things within driving distance of our home. We had a small birthday party for Riley on Monday (and by small I mean not much planning... there were plenty of friends and family to help us celebrate), went to the zoo on Tuesday, walked and had a picnic at a beautiful park on Wednesday, hung out with some friends on Thursday,  and went car shopping and to St. Augustine on Friday. The weather was unbelievable - beautiful blue skies and cool weather. 

We ate out more than normal, grabbed for frozen yogurt, and just had a good time together as a family. I'm not sure I ever want to go on a real vacation ever again. Okay, that's a little bit of a stretch. David, if you're reading this - I don't meant that! 


We ended up buying a new-to-us vehicle in St. Augustine. It's beautiful and seems brand new. We got a good deal and the whole process was much easier than it could have been. All was going great until we went to lunch after church on Sunday and someone ran into the side of our car in the parking lot. Unfortunately, they decided it wasn't necessary to let us know and just drove off. Nice.

Despite a crazy end to our time off, we had a great week. I'm confident we'll have more stay-at-home vacations in our future since we had such a wonderful time. 


  1. aww that all sounds wonderful. glad you guys had such a great time.

  2. Lauren that sounds so wonderful. I would do anything for even a stay-cation right now. We just bought a new car about a month or so ago and a week after we got it someone scratched the front driver's side. Luckily we were in the car and got his info. Good luck with the car! Hope it's not too much to fix it.

  3. Sometimes it is good to just be..blessings

  4. Great photos! I love the staycation idea! Looks like you guys had a wonderful week! Sorry about your car :-(

  5. That is a great idea to stay home for a vacation! We just did that for 1/2 of our spring vacation and it was actually relaxing. Love your blog. I just found you through tangled happy and m ow one of your newest followers :)

  6. That is a great idea to stay home for a vacation! We just did that for 1/2 of our spring vacation and it was actually relaxing. Love your blog. I just found you through tangled happy and m ow one of your newest followers :)


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