
08 April 2013

Better Than Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Better Than Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies
Who doesn't love the perfect chocolate chip cookie? This easy chocolate chip cookie recipe produces results that are better than Toll House - I'm not even kidding. A little crispy on the outside and deliciously chewy in the middle. Want to know my easy recipe? Stay with me and we'll get there. 

I'm not going to lie. My husband and I eat chocolate chip cookies way more than we should. We like other desserts and/or treats (like these easy muffins), but chocolate chip cookies are definitely our go-to. I've tried tons of recipes. I've used this award winning chocolate chip cookie recipe and I've tried a gourmet recipe or two. Even so, this is the only recipe I make now. 

Ready to whip up your own batch? Preheat your oven to 350˚ and you'll have one in your mouth in no time. 

Better Than Toll House Cookie

2 sticks of butter at room temperature
1/2 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 t. vanilla
2 eggs
1 t. baking soda
1 t. salt
2 1/2 to 2 3/4 c. all purpose flour
12 oz. package of chocolate chips(I think that's the size of the smaller packages... I use Nestle or Ghiradelli)

In a large bowl, cream together butter, white, and brown sugar. Mix in eggs and vanilla. Combine baking soda, salt, and flour in a separate bowl. Stir into wet ingredients. Add flour until the mixture isn't sticking to the sides of the bowl (I generally use 2 1/2 cups plus a sprinkle more). Fold in chocolate chips. 

To be totally honest, I use a fork and mix these by hand 99% of the time. If I've got my mixer out for something else or I just feel like switching things up a bit, I might use it. These are perfect for hand-mixing, though. 

Roll into balls and place on an ungreased baking pan and bake for 9-11 minute (10 is perfect in my oven) or until the cookies are a light golden brown. The batch makes approximately 48 cookies (but this depends on how much dough you eat... not that I eat any cookie dough or anything). 

Chocolate Chip Cookies
If your cookies turn out so beautifully that you decide to take some photos, be sure that you guard them carefully. Little hands (and big ones, if there are any around) will probably attempt to swipe a few. 

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  1. I think this sounds like somthing I might do today!! Yummmy!!!

  2. These look SO good! Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite...when I don't end up eating all the cookie dough before they go in the oven.

  3. I've got these in the oven right now...they smell delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

  4. These cookies look perfect! I am going to pin them so I remember to make them soon :)

  5. Yum.. just made CH CH Cookies sunday & they were gone by bed time.. :-)
    Hey,, while you are making one batch.. go ahead & make another.. freeze in Tablespoon drops & then toss in a freezer bag..then some day when you crave 'emthe oven is on baking , say a can just bake 'em :-)No mess :-)

  6. I am going to make these right now! Just a question about your abbreviations. Does t. stand for teaspoon or...? Thanks!

  7. Mrs. W -
    t always stands for teaspoon in a recipe, while T stands for tablespoon.

  8. I just made these- I have tried 100 different chocolate chip cookie recipes and this is likely the best one (besides the jacques torres cookies that take 3 days to make). These are great!!! Thanks for the recipe, I'd highly recommend it to anyone.

  9. I made these but found them very salty. A teaspoon of salt seems like a lot of salt for cookies to me. If I make these again I will use a lot less salt.

  10. I just made these and they flattened after they came out of the oven. The only thing I did differently was use 1 tsp of vanilla instead of 1/2. Would that do it?


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