
04 April 2013

Helpful Hints & Crochet Tips and Tricks {Guest Blogger Lorene from Cr8tion Crochet}

Hello, my name is Lorene and I am a bit of a perfectionist.  Ok, a lot of a perfectionist… especially when it comes to my crochet work.  My biggest pet peeve when it comes to crochet is being able see where an item was finished… or worse yet seeing seams!  The word alone makes me cringe.  

Whether I’m donating, selling or gifting doesn’t matter.  I want it to look perfect, or as perfect as it possibly can.  That obsession has caused me to create a few ‘tricks” to help me make my crocheted items the best they can be.  

One of my favorite items to make is hats.  Now hats can be difficult for a lot of reasons, all of which could take us ages to get into.   However, one of the main reasons hats usually look sloppy or ill made to me is because of the ugly line seam you usually see running up the back of a hat.  You don’t see it in most pictures because it’s usually hidden in the back.  I often take a picture of the back of my work to showcase my seamless crochet methods when I post a new hat pattern on my blog.  There are three methods that I use.  Two of them are pretty well known but I also created my own method that I have never seen before.  You can read about them here:  Seamless Crochet Rounds

However, first and foremost is the foundation.  I prefer to use the magic ring method to the chaining method of starting a hat.  If you aren’t familiar with this method than I highly recommend you become familiar with it, it has really come in handy for me.  I have a written, picture and video tutorial available here:  Magic Circle or Ring.

Let us not forget the finish.  There is nothing worse (to me at least) than seeing that ugly knot at the bottom of a hat where it is finished off with a slip stitch.  I came up with this invisible finish method a while back.  I couldn’t imagine life without it.  You can learn all about it in my post: Invisible Finish Crochet.

I hope you enjoyed my helpful crochet tips and tricks… come visit me at Cre8tion Crochet for other tips and tricks available on my site as well as information on how you can design your own custom crochet hat as well as some really great (if I do say so myself)  original free hat patterns.  

Have fun, and as always…..
Happy Hookin’

Thanks so much, Lorene! We're so excited to read all your helpful hints about making beautiful, polished looking crocheted items.

1 comment:

  1. I always have that seam on my hats, so I'm going to go check out her hints and tips right now!


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