
02 April 2013

Off the Hook Link Party {Week 10}

lemon poppyseed sour cream  muffins

Believe it or not, I've actually had a couple of projects on my hooks lately. The past month has been exceptionally busy around the Brown house so it was nice to steal a few minutes for some crocheting. You can read more about my mistake that turned into a masterpiece here. I also made these yummy muffins - super easy and tasty! As evidenced by the photo, Caroline couldn't wait to get her hands on one. 

Enough about what we've been up to around here, though. Let's get on to this week's fabulous features! Stop by and leave them some comment love to let them know you think they're stuff is amazing. Don't forget to stop by and comment on a few other links, too. It's just plain nice. 

Hen Egg Cozy Pattern from Little Things Blogged

If you were featured, feel free to grab a button to let the whole world know. 

Daisy Cottage Designs
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Daisy Cottage Designs"><img src="" alt="Daisy Cottage Designs" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now it's time to get things started, but before we do... you know the drill.
  • Link back to Daisy Cottage Designs - grab a button or use a text link. Either is fine with me. 
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Comment on some other links - everyone loves getting some feedback by way of comments and we want to help grow each other's blogs.
  • Last but not least, it would be great if you'd follow the blog - definitely not a requirement for participation, though. 
Daisy Cottage Designs
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Daisy Cottage Designs"><img src="" alt="Daisy Cottage Designs" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


  1. Thanks for hosting, Lauren! Have a great night!
    Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Thanks for hosting and for inviting me!
    Krista @thehappyhousie

  4. Thank you so much for inviting me over.. You have such an adorable blog home ;) I see your on IG.. I will have to find you :)

  5. What a fabulous party! I see lots of creative wonderfulness!

    hugs x
    Crystelle Boutique

  6. Thanks for featuring my Hen Cozy!

    So happy!


  7. It's great to join the link up. Thank you!

  8. Thanks for featuring my Potted Spring Flowers! :) Thank you for hosting the linky party again this week.

  9. Thanks for the great link party. We entered our recipes under our new sister blog - Anyone can submit recipes and it has awesome features including driving traffic back to your blog! It's so FUN. We hope you'll stop by and enter some recipes. -The Six Sisters

  10. Your blog is darling! I'm going to add your blog to my linky party list :)

  11. So funny Lauren, I also made lemon poppy seed muffins with sour cream this week!!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  12. Thanks for inviting me over at your party!

  13. Hi Lauren! Thanks for hosting! I stumbled across this rockin' party and linked up a few posts :) I will be back! Also, love the blog; started following! I am at work, but when I get home tonight I will add your link party button to my blogroll.


  14. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the lovely invite! I love your blog. I just found it earlier today when I pinned your adorable fishbowl craft for preschoolers.


Please realize that I reply to comments via email. I am not ignoring previous posters :) Thanks for taking the time to comment!