
03 March 2013

Life According to Instagram {Week 9}

instagram week 9

1. "Happied" up our front entryway. 2. Caroline started pulling up in her bed. 3. Crocheted sun hat season begins. 4. Goofy Riley. 5. Reading buddies. 6. Sporting her shades. 7. Awesome yarn for some boutique flowers. 8. Daddy & Caroline before bed. 9. Rainbow socks and hot pink flip flops? Why not! 10. Our floor eats way too well. 11. Excited to see Riley! 12. Craft of the day. 13. Excitement on an evening walk. 14. Bedtime stories with Mommy. 15. Beautiful Florida sunset. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that photo of Caroline in #2! The lighting and her sweet precious!


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