
01 March 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {A Girl & Her Toys}

toy basket 4

Caroline is really getting to the age where she loves to play. I'm amazed at her attention span. She sat and played with these baskets of toys/books for a long time today. Apparently taking toys out of one basket and transferring them to the other is all the rage these days. Then, she found a loose book page... you would have thought she'd found the best toy in the whole world.

toy basket 3

That piece of paper was thoroughly enjoyed by this little stinker. She would crinkle it up, wave it up and down like a crazy person, and then hoot with laughter. When it would get away from her, she'd quickly crawl over to retrieve it (why yes, she is finally crawling) and go to town with it again. 

toy basket 2

I'm so thankful that both girls are easily entertained. They both love to play and are good at occupying themselves. Plus could you ask for a cuter girl in panda jammers (that's what Riley calls PJs)? I really don't think so. I'm trying to soak up as much of this baby cuteness as I can before this little chickadee turns 1. 

toy basket

And my friends, this post is one worth remembering... I didn't cut off any of Caroline's fingers, toes, or appendages with my camera! I'm really trying to learn to step back and capture more in the frame - I can crop later but I can't add little fingers or toes. I have a tendency to get too close and chop off all kinds of things.


  1. That is so cute! I love how sometimes the smallest things become such great baby toys :)

  2. These photos are so precious! I just love her little jammies :-) It's so nice when they get to the stage where they can entertain themselves for longer periods of time!

  3. What lovely pictures of a lovely little girl!

  4. What lovely photos, I love it when they love playing with the packaging rather than the toy inside

  5. O Yes she is very cute and huggable

  6. She is a doll. I really like the first image. I can imagine these baskets being great big fun!

  7. She is adorable -- enjoy it! My 'baby' is 5... I miss these sweet moments!

  8. Your little girl is just adorable. Great captures!


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