
28 February 2013

Family Photos {What We Wore}

family photo clothes

Every year around this time, our little family has pictures taken. For the past several years (going back pre-Riley), our photographers happened to be friends from our church. They were awesome and we were totally comfortable with them. Unfortunately, Chloe and Gabriel moved to Washington State this past year. Cross country travel wasn't in the budget, so we had to go on a search for a replacement.

After choosing a photographer, the most difficult part follows: deciding what to wear. We're definitely not a matchy family (in fact, the girls only have a few of the same outfits), but we do want to coordinate. This year, David and I knew what we wanted the girls to wear and went from there. I'm so lame I actually made a collage of our clothes to see how they'd look together. 

The collage above shows the actual dresses that Riley and Caroline wore (and Caroline's sweater), but David's and my ensembles are just similar. I hope they photographed well because it's the best we could come up with this year.

sweet sisters

At this point, we're waiting for our sneak peek to be posted to facebook, but I do have a photo of Riley and Caroline wearing their outfits (can't you see them well in this photo??). Thankfully, the girls cooperated better for the professional than they do for me. 


  1. I love your outfits! I couldn't agree more...the hardest part about family pics is finding the right clothes! I am horrible...I always find what I want to wear first, and then make everyone elses outfit work around that ;) We did ours this last summer and ended up in purple, mustard yellow, baby blue and denim. With baby number 5 coming in the next few weeks I know before too long I will have to come up with some new outfits again soon!! Great post!

  2. Great outfits! I LOVE the photo you got of your girls together. So sweet! I can't wait to see some of the ones your photographer captured!

  3. I bet the pics turned out super cute with such great outfits. Good work, Mama. Picking clothes for everyone is hard work.


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