
27 February 2013

Off the Hook {Week 5}

Can you believe we've been partying for over a month? Time is passing crazy fast. If you're a regular reader of this blog, I'm 100% confident you're tired of my saying that so I'll move right on to this week's features.

I just have to say it, this might be the most beautiful baby blanket I have ever seen in my life. I'm seriously considering making one of these for each of my girls.

Thanks for helping make last week our biggest party yet! 

If you were featured, feel free to grab a button to let the whole world know. 

Daisy Cottage Designs
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Daisy Cottage Designs"><img src="" alt="Daisy Cottage Designs" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now it's time to get things started, but before we do... you know the rules.
  • Linking back to Daisy Cottage Designs - grab a button or use a text link. Either is fine with me. 
  • Comment on a couple other links - everyone loves getting some feedback by way of comments. 
  • Limit your entries to 3 - no show offs allowed. 
  • Last but not least, it would be great if you'd follow the blog - definitely not a requirement for participation, though. 
Daisy Cottage Designs
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Daisy Cottage Designs"><img src="" alt="Daisy Cottage Designs" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


  1. Aw, thank you SO much for your sweet words about Chloe's Baby Blanket! It made my day to be featured on your beautiful blog!! :)

    Little Rays of Sunshine

  2. Thanks so much for the feature!! And for a great party :)

    The Farm Girl

  3. All of your features look great! Thanks for stopping by:@)

  4. Hi Lauren! Thanks so much for stopping by earlier and letting me know about your link party! Following you now on GFC :)

  5. Just linked my work. Joined your site too! Will be back to hover around!

  6. Love your blog it is super adorable! Thanks for the invite I will for sure be coming back! Following you on Facebook and pinterest!

  7. Thanks for hosting and many thanks for the invite!! I am all linked up, grabbed your button and now following via GFC:)

    Have an awesome day!!

    PS If you get a chance would love to have your favorite posts at Freedom Fridays Blog Hop and also to join Lets Get Social Sunday:)

  8. Thanks for the invite to join your party, Lauren! I've linked up & added your button to my party page.

    ~Steph @ Silver Boxes

  9. Thanks for the invite! Following along with you now :)


  10. Hi Lauren, thank you so much for the invite. Really nice blog! I am a new follower, I love new followers at Maddalee, also :)

  11. obviously a little late. I just read your invitition to come join your link part.
    Well i just did and linked up my crochet skirt!
    thank you!

  12. Thank you so much for the invite to your link party. Your blog is so beautifully designed. I've added your party to my link party lists. Can't wait to stop back next Wednesday.

  13. Thanks for hosting this link party and for inviting me!

    Missy Inspired

  14. Hi Lauren!
    Thank you for the invite & for hosting! :D

    Jane @

  15. Thank you so much for hosting Lauren! Have a lovely weekend! Angie xo

  16. Thanks for hosting, Lauren, and thanks for popping by Emmie Loves to invite me along! I love your site and am now following xox


Please realize that I reply to comments via email. I am not ignoring previous posters :) Thanks for taking the time to comment!