
26 February 2013

7 Fun Crochet Patterns

7 fun crochet patterns

In need of some quick gifts or inspiration? Check out these adorable patterns that are available on Etsy. 
Pretty quick and dripping with cuteness, these little beauties are on my "want to make" list.

**And now for a totally unrelated but EXCITING fact...**

This little blog now has over one million hits! I know some people probably get that in a day, but I'm happy. 


  1. Thank you for including my Daisy Rattle Pattern in your post, love all the great picks!!

  2. Oh those little slippers are just gorgeous! My aunt gave us two pairs when my 2nd girl was born and I have loved them. I'd love to be able to make some for gifts. Will have to check it out.

  3. These make me want to learn how to crochet. Those ice cream comes are so cute!

  4. Congrats on one million! That's awesome!! I am nearing the 20K mark. I know that some people get that in a day, but I'm thrilled with it!

    I have made that Amigurumi Rainbow from image 2. It's fabulous and I am hooked on FreshStitches patterns and her blog. :)

  5. What a cute group of patterns! Thank you for including my turban headband pattern! Your blog is great, I am now your newest follower!

  6. Oh my! I think my boys would love a couple of those ice cream comes for their play kitchen. Thanks for the inspiration.


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