
04 February 2013

Our Life in Lists {Easy Ways to Spend Quality Time With Your Toddler}

quality timeI saw an alarming statistic recently. The article I read said that the average parent spends just under 6 minutes actively engaged with his or her children each day. I was floored. It's sad to think about all the ways those parents are probably spending their time - sure, I know many parents have to work but five minutes? I'd venture to say most of those parents (and many of the children) watch well over an hour of tv each day. Couldn't they spend at least 30 minutes of quality time together? 

This number made me stop and think about how much time I spend with my girls each day. It's certainly no small amount. Just being together doesn't equal quality time, though. Much of that time I'm doing laundry, cleaning house, or preparing meals and they're playing independently or napping. When I sat down to think about the time I spend actively engaging each child, it wasn't as much as I would have thought. This realization made me jot down a list of things I can do with my kids that take little time to prepare and do. 
  1. Read a book. He'll love the one on one time and will enjoy hearing a story. 
  2. Take a walk around the block. If you're fortunate enough to live in a warm climate like we do, it's the perfect way to get out of the house for a little while. 
  3. Play hide-and-go-seek. Your little one will howl in delight when she finds you. 
  4. Challenge your child to a round of "I Spy." Your little girl will learn to be more observant of her surroundings.
  5. Sing her a song. It doesn't matter if you have a beautiful voice, your kids will love it - especially if it's easy enough for them to learn and sing along.
  6. Look at family photos. Kids especially love photos featuring them!
  7. Bake cookies together. Let your little helper pour in the ingredients and take a turn with the mixer.
  8. Write a story. Take out some paper, crayons, and a pencil. Draw a picture together and then help your toddler write a story to go with the picture. 
  9. Do something out of the box. Just a quick example. The other day Riley and I read Owl Moon. Afterwards, we got all decked out in our heaviest "winter" coats and went owling. We took turns hiding a stuffed owl in various places around the house. Giggling and learning took place for a good 30 minutes as a result.
I want to be reminded that the most important thing I can spend my time doing each day is loving my Savior and my family. While the time I spend pursuing photography and blogging might not be a bad, it will be if I put them before spending enough time with my girls. And in the long run, it won't matter if I take beautiful pictures or have 3,000 readers. It'll matter that I invested my life into their futures. 

I know there are lots of great moms out there in the blogging world - if you have a fun way you actively engage with your toddler, please feel free to share that in the comments below. 


  1. This is a great list - thanks for the encouragement. Mine also love to help make lunch. They get the sandwich stuff out and "help" spread the peanut butter. Makes it take longer, but I am glad they are learning.

  2. Yesterday my daughter helped me put the washing on the line by giving me the pegs. Since it was sheet washing day it was then a perfect opportunity to run between the sheets chasing each other. She laughed and laughed and so did I. At one point she shouted "I'm having so my fun!" and it made me very glad. With her (little bit) bigger brother off at school full time I am looking forward to some more one on one time with her for things like that. I also found I had more time for our 10mth old too - getting down on the floor and trying to tempt her to crawl!

  3. This is a wonderful post. I love your ideas. I, myself, am a SAHM and I am fortunate to have the time to spend with my daughter. I can't imagine only spending 5 minutes with her. We spend all day together and I know that it will make her a better person in the future. Thank you for sharing this and helping people see that they should invest time in their children by doing even the littlest things.


  4. Great list!! I also love your ideas! Would you consider linking this and any other projects you might have, up to my Pinterest Power party?


  5. Saddest stat I've ever read! Wow! My kids are adults now, but we ALWAYS had more time than that in a day. I saw too many parents who put their kids in an overload of classes and lessons to the point the kids were overwhelmed and exhausted. I chose to ensure my kids were in one or two activities, had family supper and conversation as many nights a week as possible, and played together. Crafts, reading, board games, etc.


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