
02 February 2013

Life According to Instagram {Week 5}

Weekly Instagram Collage 5

1. Caroline "riding" in Riley's "car." 2. Editing Bible Conference pics. 3. Crocheted camera strap cozy. 4. Listening to a sermon we missed last week. 5. Mohawk baby. 6. Owl "crafts" during preschool. 7. Little sickie cuddling up with her new doll from Grandmommy. 8. All ready for a Hobby Lobby run with Merissa. 9. Sweet photo my hubby texted me. 10. Stupid decision, but helping me make it to 128. 11. Playing with sidewalk chalk and wearing flip flops in January. 12. Owl lapbook. 13. "I picked these out for you, Mommy!" 14. You know what they say... the bigger the bow, the better the mama. 15. Just playing a little piano with Uncle Christopher.

life rearranged

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