
01 February 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {A Girl and Her Monkey}

a girl and her monkey 

When Riley was about 10 months old, we incorporated blanket time into our routine. I started it in order teach her boundaries and to help her learn to be obedient. She hated it at first - those first few times were basically me putting her back on the blanket time after time after time; but, believe it or not,  Riley has learned to love her "blanky time." Riley still spends thirty to forty-five minutes on her blanket regularly. Supplied with an array of books and toys, it's amazing how creative she can be while staying in a relatively small space. 

a girl and her monkey 

Today, Riley was having a blast with her rainbow sock monkey (a gift to Riley from my aunt and uncle when Caroline was born) and her Franklin book from Chick-fil-A. The story was apparently very entertaining because Mr. Monkey hardly moved a muscle. I think he was captivated by his animated storyteller. 

a girl and her monkey

Speaking of storytelling, this little girl wants to read. She loves playing with Caroline and showing her books. I'll say something like, "Why don't you read that story to Caroline?" and she looks at me in frustration and says something like "Because I can't read yet, Mommy." I think she's just recently realized that we're reading the words on the page and that she can't do it. 

a girl and her monkey

And just in case you're wondering, just about any book on the planet doubles as a hymnal. This girl's got some joy down deep in her heart and it makes her want to shout and sing, apparently. She's constantly singing and pretending to be a song leader. She even conducts from time to time. I hope and pray that our biggest girl keeps her joy and learns to positively channel her imagination.

P.S. Can you believe it's February? My baby is going to be one (!!) next month. Let the party planning commence.

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  1. Love how your daughter treats every book as a hymnal! My daughter is like that too! Always running around with a song. I love it!

  2. I love sock monkeys. She is adorable!

  3. So sweet...when my daughter was around that age she use to sing "I love you" to everything!!

  4. I know what you mean, my little muchkin will be one next month too!!! Craziness!

  5. What a sweetie! I love that she's reading to her little sock monkey!

  6. I LOVE that first picture with her little painted toe nails :) Well all of your picture are beautiful, but that first one is just so interesting and the colors are so pretty! What a sweet little lady! And I agree, how is it already February?! Happy Friday!

  7. She's just adorable. Great pictures!


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