
31 January 2013

Fighting Off the Sickies


Last week I posted about the wonderful conference we'd had at our church. That wonderful meeting seems to have brought a plague of sorts to the people of our church. About half of the congregation is down with some sort of illness - flu, cold, bronchitis, stomach bug. You name it, it's going around. Our house hasn't been hit as badly as some others, but we've been under the weather nonetheless. 


Riley had what I thought was pink eye. A quick trip to the doctor proved me wrong. I'm 0 for 3 on diagnosing pink eye. I think I'm going to give up. Just because your child's eye is puffy, runny, and pink does not mean she has pink eye. Who knew? And let me just say this: our girl is a trooper - she was just as happy as she could be despite her swollen eye and runny nose. 


Thankfully Riley's eye healed up in just a couple of days and she's back to her old self. We've been taking advantage of the beautiful weather outside - the 80s in January is a little warm even for Florida but it makes for great picnic weather.


So far, Caroline seems to be okay. She's cutting teeth and coughing some, but I'm praying this doesn't turn into her first major sickness. There's some pretty nasty stuff going around. I don't want this sweet baby to suffer at all. 


  1. Been fighting off the sickness myself! I suggest Teavana. If you have a local branch, it is expensive, but their Citrus Lavender Sage and Opus Rogue blend together makes for an AWESOME tea. It tastes great and it is caffeine free so it is perfect for children. If that blend is not to your liking, ask the people behind the counter and they will tell you what else is good for sickness.

  2. The sickness going around here has been crazy, too. seems like it's everywhere. Nathan had it too, but not as bad as me, thankfully! Hope you guys feel better soon and don't get the brunt of it!

  3. I just had to click over when I saw your comment on my blog, followed by, Fighting off the Sickies. We also went to a church function and now two of my babies are with fevers and throwing up. I hope you all feel better soon.


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