
30 January 2013

Off the Hook {Week 1}

Off the Hook Button

Ok... last year I gave a link party a try. It was successful for a while, but then life got crazy on me and I decided not to purchase a linky account. This week, I'm bringing it back! I've purchased a subscription and every Wednesday, there'll be a party on my blog! 

Since this is a crochet-ish blog, there's a crochet-ish title - Off the Hook. Don't let the name fool you, anyone's welcome! Have a great photo? Link up. Throw a great birthday party for your tot? We want to see. Just finish a great quilt? I'm prepared to be green with envy. 

Each week, I'll choose a few people to feature - those projects that most inspired me or got the most hits. Every now and then, I might actually have something off my hook to share with you, too.


For instance, this week, I made this crocheted camera strap cover. Super easy. Relatively cute. I wish I had chosen different colors, though. Also, rosettes probably won't hold their shape too well since I use my camera all the time. We shall see.

Now it's time to get things started, but before we do... What's a link party without a rule or two? If you want to party, please humor me by doing the following:
  • Linking back to Daisy Cottage Designs - grab a button or use a text link. Either is fine with me. 
  • Comment on a couple other posts - everyone loves getting some feedback by way of comments. 
  • Limit your entries to 3 - no show offs allowed. 
  • Last but not least, it would be great if you'd follow the blog - definitely not a requirement for participation, though. 
Daisy Cottage Designs


  1. Thanks for hosting Lauren! I will add your button to my party page =)

    Amy @ The Stitchin' Mommy

  2. Thanks for the invite over. Thanks for the party. Enjoy the rest of the week!

  3. Happily linked up to you sweetie ;) Thanks for inviting me :)

  4. Thanks for inviting me to your party! I'm excited to have a new one to visit each week!
    :-) Jessica

  5. Thanks so much for hosting and for inviting me to your party! Have a wonderful week :) I'm adding you to my link party list!

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  6. Hi Lauren, thank for for the invite! I am your newest likes on facebook, following via my blog's page and my personal page, I would get all giddy if you like me back! Also, I am adding your blog button to my party page!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog

  7. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, and for the invite to join your party! Linked up two posts - - and added your button to my list of linky parties; I'll be sure to be back to visit your lovely blog!

  8. Thank you for inviting me to your linky party. I guess I am a little late. ;) he he. Love your pics!


Please realize that I reply to comments via email. I am not ignoring previous posters :) Thanks for taking the time to comment!