
11 February 2013

Life According to Instagram {Week 6} & Pardon the Dust

Instagram Week 6

1. Family photos using self-timer. 2. Caroline clapping it up at church. 3. Little People Party (they were all named after Riley's friends). 4. Owl crafts. 5. Living room picnic. 6. For those times when bibs aren't enough coverage. 7. Cleaning potties is fun! 8. Pretty pedicure - Mom paid, Dad babysat. My parents are amazing. 9. Riley hid in the pantry during a game of hide and go seek. 10. Raggedy "Landon" (she was a gift to me on my second birthday). 11. My "Jamie." Miss him, but glad he's in heaven. 12. Whoooo! 13. Dusting. 14. Caroline is trying to pull up! 15. Doing a little shopping at Old Navy with the family.

And on the dust... isn't the blog going to look amazing when it's finished? I'll do a more thorough post on this later, but Sarah from Cece Bella Designs is giving me a much less cluttered feel, don't you think? Can't wait to see the whole thing finished.

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