
08 February 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {Because They Don't Stay Little...}


After a few grumpy days of teething and dealing with a cold, Caroline is finally back to her happy self. David and I were just saying earlier this week how much her little personality is starting to come out. She definitely seems to have a sense of humor these days - Caroline thinks it's funny to pull her paci out of her mouth and try to jam it into one of our mouths. Then she'll take it back and stick it right back in her mouth. You can tell she's pretty impressed with herself during these exchanges. 

noise check

In some ways, Caroline still really seems like a little baby - she's not really talking (just babbling... there are a few things we think she says, but more on that in her eleven month post); she's content to sit and watch what's going on, etc. But on days like today when our littlest girl is standing up next to her toys and trying to pull up on things, I'm reminded that her baby days are numbered. That makes this mommy very sad. 


I'm excited to watch her grow and develop her personality more; and I know how happy our hearts will be when we hear her little voice say, "I love you!" for the very first time. I just wish all the moments before between now and then could last longer. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: my dad was so right when he talked about how quickly time passes. My 15 year old self believed him but couldn't imagine it. Now I'm the one telling my pregnant friend that her baby will be three before she knows it. 


  1. Aww, she is just too cute!! I found your blog through The Long Road to China! I'm your newest follower. :-)

  2. You know, you could always have another baby :P

  3. She is so stinking adorable! Enjoy every second!

  4. She is gorgeous. Glad she's feeling better now - teeth seem to be never ending! My Little Man loves the dummy game. He is starting to play with us as well though sometimes thinks better about actually sharing the toy! Abigail x

  5. She is just gorgeous. You are right, the days fly by...I don't like it. You images are just beautiful.

  6. Adorable photos!!
    New follower :)


  7. What a beautiful baby girl you have!! I remember when my girls were so little!! You're right, the time passes by before you even know it!! Her eyes are gorgeous! found you through The Long Road to China. New follower. :)

  8. Your family is beautiful. And your youngest daughter's eyes in these pictures are a beautiful blue! So piercing...yet oh! so sweet!! I can completely relate with your sentiments. I have a 3YO daughter and a 1YO son. I have a quote I live by because each day seems to disappear more quickly than the last: "Live in the present. Make it so beautiful it is worth the memory." Thanks for sharing your sweet words and gorgeous pictures!

  9. How sweet is she!! Little earrings and all!

  10. they sure do not stay little for long

  11. she is darling! beautiful photos.

  12. What sweet photos - her eyes are beautiful! I totally agree; the time goes too fast. My first baby turns 2 next week and I cannot even fathom it.

  13. Wow!!!! she has so beautiful eyes... your two daughters are very besutiful!!!

  14. Oh those eyelashes! Wonderful shots of your lovely daughter:)

  15. Oh my goodness, such a sweetheart!! :) Thanks for linking up with the simple things this week!

  16. Ah, what a cutie! My 11 month old is now just starting to climb up on things (I'm glad he's waited with this one), but it is fun to see their little personalities come out!


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