
15 February 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {Toddler-Approved Nutella Pancakes}

quick and easy nutella pancakes

We're a pancake lovin' family; but interestingly enough, we never eat pancakes for breakfast. They're usually a dinnertime treat (like those times when I don't really have time to make anything "big.") - typically before or after church on a Sunday or Thursday night. 

Today I'm feeling a little bit under the weather and needed something quick for supper. I didn't want to make the same old pancakes, though, so I thought I'd spice them up a little bit with some Nutella. I was tempted to Google recipes, but decided against it. I wanted to use my Aunt Jemima pancake mix, add Nutella to taste (I used one heaping tablespoon), and see how it went. 

quick and easy nutella pancakes

It worked. The Nutella seemed to change the cooking time just a tad and I added a touch more water than usual to compensate (I never go by the box, I just eyeball it), but Riley and I thought they were delicious. They didn't look too bad with a pretty strawberry on top, either. Riley was excited about the berries because she picked them earlier this week with my mom.

If you're a food snob like Caroline, you could probably add some chocolatey hazel nutty goodness to any mix or recipe. I've made pancakes "from scratch," but didn't notice enough of a difference to warrant spending way more time on them. 

Oh and for the record, even though they're far from perfect, I'm pretty excited about these photos. I took them in the "playroom" a little after 6 p.m. It was almost totally dark out there, but I anchored my camera on Riley's little ironing board, upped the ISO, dropped the shutter speed, and got these photos that look like they were taken in the middle of the day. It really is the little things in life, I guess. 


  1. You know how to make them perfectly round? Use a large round cookie cutter! LOL Ive done it once or twice just to make it look "professional". It is the little things in life. Love the picture!!! Looks like a magazine.

  2. Looks great, Lauren! Nutella is a wonderful invention. We even have it in Cambodia:)
    I may try these soon. My kiddos love pancakes. Great pics, once again. Trying not to have pic envy;)
    Pint-sized Treasures

  3. Beautiful! These look absolutely yummy!

  4. Very yummy looking! Thanks for sharing your idea :-)

  5. Oh wow...these sound amazing! I think my daughter would LOVE these. She just started eating waffles. I haven't tried pancakes yet, but I have a feeling she's going to love them.

  6. These look great - my girls would probably gobble them up. P.S. Pancake pictures in the playroom. Lovely pics and fun alliteration.

  7. Thank you for sharing this. I'm constantly looking for some recipe using Nutella. This is just perfect for breakfast or mid-afternoon snacks.

    Found u via FPJ.


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