
19 February 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {Special Edition}

baby shower

Yesterday, our church celebrated the upcoming arrival of a new addition. Little Wesley's owl-themed baby shower was so much fun - the decorations were beautiful, the games were funny, and the fellowship was fantastic. We showered our friend Merissa with gifts and talked about how we couldn't wait to meet him in about a month. 

Little did we know that baby Wesley would make his grand entrance into this world today. Waking up to a text from your friend that her water broke about 7 weeks early isn't fun. Today was filled with many prayers and lots of phone calls and texts among friends. Thankfully, our prayers were answered and Merissa and baby are doing great. I won't share little Wesley's stats in case Merissa hasn't had the chance to talk to all of her friends in person, but we'll suffice it to say he's a heavyweight for being so early. 

Since she didn't expect to have a baby for about a month, a few of her friends packed clothes for mommy, daddy, and baby and another made a run for preemie clothes. Some of us took all their stuff to the hospital and waited to hear the good news. It was so fun just being there and waiting on a new baby to be born. We didn't get to meet the baby, but we were glad to see our friend! 


It was the first time I've been back to the hospital where Caroline (and Riley) was born almost a year ago - it's such a different experience being there when you're not the one in labor. It's so hard to remember Caroline when she was this squishy newborn. Don't blink, Merissa. Your baby will be having his first (or third) birthday before you know it.


  1. So happy all went well for her and the baby. I too was 6 weeks early with Julia because my water broke. We had no idea how things would go, but God brought everything out for the good and I had a wonderful experience! Julia however was 5.12 and dropped to 5.3 quickly and almost had to stay in the hospital after we left. God again was good and she gained a bit over night (cause i fed her a TON).
    Now she is 2 and the joy of my life...time does fly!!!
    Congrats to the new family!!!

  2. Im so glad your friend and baby are doing fine! I am throwing my best friend a baby shower this weekend, it is so fun celebrating a new baby! That shower looks adorable!

  3. Oh, that is so cute. And hooray for new babies.

  4. The baby is beautiful! How sweet your church gave her an owl-themed shower. Your love and gifts came at the perfect time. I hope we get to see the little one on furlough:)


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