
14 February 2013

Caroline {11 Month Update}

Caroline 11 Months 

When I pulled out the stickers for Caroline's 11 month shoot, it was sad seeing just one left on the page. I remember being amazed when it was time to take her 1 month photos. Now I'm sitting here almost tearing up over the fact that I've already scheduled the photo shoot for her first birthday. Slow down, little girl, slow down! 

Caroline 11 Months 
As I mentioned last week, Caroline's little personality is really starting to blossom. She's funny and sweet and up to all kinds of new tricks. Here's the latest on our youngest chickadee. 

  • Blowing kisses. This little booger gives her hand slobbery kisses and will kind of "blow" them to someone special. It's hilarious watching her kiss her hand. 
  • Talking on the phone. Several times this week Caroline has picked up random objects (and my cell phone case) to talk to some imaginary friend. It always amazes me how much babies pick up on. 
  • Sharing. Caroline tries to give us her pacis and bites of her food (which she still loves, btw). 
  • This girl is a food snob. She knows exactly what she wants. If she's eating broccoli and Riley has pears, she'll grunt and groan until she makes it known that she wants something else. We like her to eat what we give her, but we alternate bites so she quiets down a bit. Oh and interestingly enough, Great Value cheerios are a no-go. Caroline nurses three times a day, eats three full meals, and a snack in the afternoon. She's not fond of the sippy cup, but the doctor said that's not a problem at this point. She doesn't take a bottle at all.  
  • Caroline can give "smackers" (kisses that make noise). The face she makes is adorable.
  • She says "hi." It doesn't really sound exactly right, but she throws up one hand to wave and says it. We've only made her do it about 347 times this week. 
  • Caroline enjoys music. Sometimes when it's playing, she sings along and does a little jig. 
  • Totally in love with doors and drawers, Caroline loves opening and closing things. She'll sit in front of Riley's play kitchen fiddling with the oven, fridge, and dishwasher doors for 25 minutes. 
Caroline 11 Months

Caroline still isn't really crawling. I have moments where it starts to worry me just, but then I remind myself that all babies are different. Caroline is much more relaxed than Riley ever was so it's understandable that she'd be a later crawler. She's content to sit and watch Riley, for the most part; and if she really needs to get somewhere, she manages just fine doing her version of the army crawl. When she's sitting up on the hard floors, she pushes herself around on her bottom with her hands. A very humorous sight. 

I'll leave you with this short video of little Caroline. It's nothing special (and she doesn't really do her tricks), but it's fun to hear her babble. Plus, out of state family will probably enjoy this clip. 


  1. She's just lovely Lauren. I was a paediatric physio when I worked and don't stress about the crawling. Some kids just do the commando/army crawl and go to walking from there (my first son did). Some don't even crawl. Just go back when she's bigger (like 2 and 3) to doing things like crawling through tunnels, doing animal walks etc where she has to do some crawling and it can help with their strength and fine motor skills. But it isn't a big deal if she doesn't crawl on hands and knees compared to army crawl. :)

  2. Your daughter is absolutely adorable!

    All babies are different. I have no gauge for when I have kids because I was nine when my sister was born and my mother ran a daycare. She was walking, talking, and feeding herself by the time she was ten months old. I asked my mother when I started to walk or crawl or anything a couple week ago when a friend of my was stressing over the same thing and she didn't remember, but she did say, "Your sister did everything before all of you except be fully potty trained by the age of four. Just don't sweat it and your kids will be fine." So, just let it take it a little bit at a time and she might surprise you but just pulling herself up and walking where she wants to go instead of crawl there one day.

  3. our girls are the exact same age! I was super sad about there being one sticker left too!! Caroline is adorable!

    new follower

  4. Oh my goodness your little one is beyond adorable, that first pic of her is just priceless. Sounds like you are really enjoying your second as much as you did with your first which is so nice to hear. I feel like a lot of parents I know don't ponder all the little moments with their second child as much. It sounds like you are taking in and enjoying each moment separately with both. Beautiful thing to hear!

  5. Oh, your daughter is so precious, such a cutie you've got there :D Love the pictures!

  6. Yes, I keep saying that to my daughter who will graduate this spring...I feel like she was just this age...sigh! :'( Caroline is just pure sunshine, you are blessed momma!

  7. These are so cute! I love how clean your images are!

  8. She is simply gorgeous! As are your photos. What a precious girl. It does go by far too quickly doesn't it?!


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