
24 January 2013

Our Life in Lists {Why I'm Over These Posts}


As you may remember, one of my resolutions this year is to post regularly on this blog. I'm also trying to be more intentional in the things that I do. In an attempt to accomplish both of those things, I sat down with some scratch paper and a pen and started brainstorming ideas for this blog. I thought I'd do crochet posts a couple times a week, preschool posts every Tuesday, and leave a couple days for random ramblings here and there. 

A huge list lover, I figured I'd like having an "Our Life in Lists" post every week. I jotted down a list of list ideas (lame, I know...) and figured they would just keep popping into my head. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case.

All that to say this: I'm not going to force myself to have an "Our Life in Lists" post every week. I'm sure I didn't need this explanation - no one probably would notice if I just stopped. I just hate saying, "this is going to happen every Thursday" only to have it stop after three or four. While I'm sure there will be list posts here and there, don't expect to see one every week.

So, here's the list  of 3 reasons why I'm over these posts.
  1. I feel like you don't care what 5 things are on my nightstand or what 13 things I want to do before I die. 
  2. I have a hard time taking pictures to go along with random list posts and I don't like blog posts without pictures. This post is a perfect example of this.
  3. I can't come up with 52 lists in a year (unless you want to see the many to-do lists I make each day). 
P.S. A note about the photo: I've been trying to learn some post processing skills lately... I feel like I don't really have an eye for it. The lighting in this picture was pretty cool and didn't lend itself to my normal editing (just boosting color and sharpness) so I went with something a little different. I'm not sure what I think, but I love how this photo captures Riley's eyelashes. 


  1. It's a lovely photo Lauren, and I think your blog is great..Keep on with your Good Intentions ;)

  2. Thanks for your kind words on the post I wrote about parties. You never know how stuff like that will be received. This post of yours cracked me up, because it reminds me of the kind of stuff I do. You have precious girls - I am partial to two-girl families!

  3. I am new to your blog but I thought I would post a word of encouragement anyways... (random act of kindness I suppose: read that earlier). From one writer to another you are definitely putting to much pressure on yourself to preform. You may want to consider that most really good ideas (ie. Our Life In Lists) sometimes take time to be cultivated into something strong and resourceful. The pressure to preform is not something that you should push yourself to do. Allow yourself time to let the ideas ruminate in your mind. Your best bet would be to create a notebook with a title on each page for each type of list you would like to create. Then when you have collected enough ideas on each topic post. Don't worry about creating 52 a year. Just start with your topic idea and jot down some thoughts about that idea. Maybe you only come up with 3 maybe you come up with 13. Also don't worry if it takes you 5 days or 5 months to come up with 3 ideas for the list you create. The ideas will flow on certain days and not so much on others. What should really give you the sense of accomplishment is not the number of items listed or the photos but the people that you help through your thoughts. Also as an avid hobby photographer sometimes we take pictures and don't know how we are going to use them in our work. Sometimes it is easier to let the work speak for itself and not worry about how it blends with the story. The pic of your little girl for this post was perfect. It didn't say anything about a child in your story line but the picture still grabs the readers attention because it is a well thought out shot. Don't be so hard on yourself. From what I have seen here you are doing wonderfully.


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