
25 January 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {Hands-on Daddy}


There's little that makes my heart happy like watching my husband and my little girls interact. The other night I was messing around with diffusing my on camera flash (dorky, I know) and snapped these photos as in the process. I know these photos might look slightly "posed" but they're really not. 


Sometimes I get frustrated with the fact that my house can be clean all day and my husband comes home, plays with the girls while I cook dinner, and it looks like a toy shop threw up in the living room or playroom. I try to squash those feelings as they come up. 


How blessed am I? I have two adorable little girls and a husband who loves them so much he wants to come home after work and plop down on the floor to play. He asks Riley about her day, plays peekaboo with Caroline, and teaches Riley invaluable lessons she will remember for a lifetime (like how to do football tackles... you know, all those important things). When I'm thinking clearly, I'm thankful for the mess as I clean it up. When I'm selfish, I'm a little annoyed. May the Lord help me have the second mindset less and less.


  1. That's so sweet. I'm also blessed to have a husband who loves to interact and spend time with his children. I believe that the time our husbands spend with our children will have such a huge positive impact.

  2. "Thankful for the mess..." Ya, I'm still working on that one too.
    Gorgeous memories you captured of Daddy with his girls. They'll LOVE these when they have children on their own. So sweet!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  3. What lovely captures!! They are lucky girls...


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