
26 January 2013

Life According to Instagram {Weeks 3 & 4}

Instagram Week 3

1. Riley feeding Daddy ice cream at Chick-fil-A. 2. Hanging out at the church work day. 3. Happy girls out for a walk on a beautiful day. 4. My mom's retro mixer. 5. Keeping a little sick girl happy with crafts. 6. Wrote a new pattern and added it to the blog and shop. 7. All ready for the midweek church service. 8. Playing around with a new app... perfect for those days when you need to laugh!

Instagram Week 4

1. I got the bug Riley had... David helped me around the house. 2. New Jo Totes camera bag/purse came in the mail. 3. A little Bible reading before bed. 4. Little friends. 5. Singing for Jesus. 6. Caroline's first Bible Conference. 7. More singing for Jesus with my husband and my friends. 8. All tired out after a long day at church. 9. Leading the Bible Conference since our pastor was sick. 10 - 13. Fun times at Texas de Brazil. 14. Making an effort to pray more for my friends. 15. Puffy eyes = a trip to the doctor. That makes me 0 for 4 on diagnosing pink eye. It's just a cold that's moved into her eye. 

life rearranged

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