
28 January 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year {Bible Conference}

Bible Conference

Last week our church held its 15th annual Bible Conference. Since that first year long, long ago, Bible Conference has been the highlight of my year. When David's family started coming in 2001, it just got that much sweeter. 

The preaching is such a blessing each year - most of the speakers have been coming since I was 12 or 13. They showed an interest in my life when I was young and that made me willing to listen to what they had to say. Now, as an adult, God is still using their preaching to prick my heart and encourage me to keep going, to do what's right.

I wouldn't say I made any monumental decisions in my life last week, but I will tell you that the Lord used the 13 messages I heard to remind me of some things I'd committed to do in years past. I was reminded of how important it is to live a life that's pleasing to God - to set a good example for my daughters. 

May the Lord help me to put what I learned to use far past this week. If you're interested in hearing the messages,  the audio files are available here

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