
05 January 2013

Life According to Instagram {Week 1}

Instagram Week 1

I love having my photos, projects, and memories all in one place - hence the blog. So I'm hoping to make a collage each week of our life according to Instagram... if you've been around for any length of time you can count on my falling behind a time or two throughout the year. How much fun would it be to put a photobook together of all these collages at the end of the year, though? I'm hoping that's the encouragement I need to stay faithful and on schedule with this little project.

Here's what happened this week:

1 & 2. Cleaned out closets. 3. Finished reading the Bible for 2012. 4. Peekaboo with Caroline. 5. David came home from Greece. 6. Playtime with Daddy. 7. Cousins. 8. Planned how to get organized in 2013. 9. Cleopatra bangs - oh my! (be sure to check out Riley the oh-so-happy photo bomber). 10. Happy New Year from us. 11. Meal planning. 12. Got into Mommy's lipstick. 13. New Year Collage. 14. Jealous of Riley's pancakes. 15. Had to throw out pretty roses David sent me.

life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. i'll have to look you up
    on Instagram!

    my hubs was a youth pastor
    for eight years
    and we loved it all

    thanks for stopping by
    Stuff and Nonsense!

    always nice to meet
    a fellow believer in blogland



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