
04 January 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {Cousins}

Enjoying the Little Things 

All of Riley and Caroline's first cousins live in Alabama (they have 7). This past week, they were able to enjoy one of them for a few days. Little Ethan is absolutely adorable and Riley loved playing with him while he was here. I'm pretty sure she thinks she should be able to push Caroline around the house in the stroller now, though. 

Enjoying the Little Things 

Unfortunately, this is the best shot I got of all three kiddos together. Do you know how hard it is to get three kids this young to look at the camera at the same time? The task was only more difficult because there was so much going on around them. 

Enjoying the Little Things

Riley has loved Auntie Kim since she was a baby. This visit was no different. She would have cuddled up in her lap all night for stories if we'd let her. And look at those big eyes Ethan has? I love my blue-eyed girls, but his brown eyes are gorgeous.

Friday Photo Journal 


  1. They are so stinking adorable! Glad they got to have some cousin time!

  2. Too cute! Glad for the time they had. We have no cousins close by. It is so important to have those family connections.

  3. How fun- I know my kids are in heaven when they get time with their cousins. My sister-in-law's name is Kim so I was giggling because we refer to her as Auntie Kim too. Every kid has to have one. They are the most fun.

  4. Precious! I kept wondering why I wasn't getting the feed to your posts and I just realized I wasn't following you. I don't know how that happened! :)

  5. So cute, and love them in black and white.

  6. Wow, 7 cousins, that's awesome! Yes, I do know how hard it is to get a pic of kiddos together! You'll rarely see mine all in one photo ;)
    I'm so thrilled you came by to link up for Friday Photo Journal, thank you! I'm following your blog now and can't wait to see more of your posts.

    Have a great week!


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