
03 January 2013

Our Life in Lists {13 Resolutions}

Happy New Year

First of all, Happy New Year from the Brown family (David's pictured below... we didn't get a shot of all of us). We were certainly blessed in 2012 (especially by our sweet addition). We're looking forward to seeing what 2013 has in store, and we hope that the Lord will allow us to accomplish more for him than we ever have before. 

It wouldn't be fitting to start a new year without a list of resolutions, would it? Here are the 13 that I aim to keep this year:
  • Read the Bible chronologically. I'm using the plan on the YouVersion app. 
  • Share my faith more boldly.
  • Be more friendly to my neighbors (bake them cookies, invite them for meals, etc.).
  • Weigh 128 (accomplish by walking, eating right, etc.). 
  • Make 13 crochet patterns I've never tried and keep them for my family. 
  • Donate 13 hats to Winnie Palmer (hospital where girls were born that has the 4th largest NICU in the country). 
  • Plan meals on a monthly basis. 
  • Read 5 or more missionary biographies. 
  • Participate in some sort of monthly photo challenge. 
  • Stay on top of laundry. 
  • Read to the girls more. 
  • Post to this blog consistently. 
  • Write 3 crochet patterns. 


  1. We live parallel lives. It's seriously scary. About half of your resolutions are on my list of goals, and I'm using the same Bible app!! :)

  2. I am stopping by from the linkup and am now following. I love your list of resolutions. They sound very doable, but definitely things I struggle with as well.

    I would love for you to stop by my blog and follow along.

  3. I should do most of the things on your list as well. :) Lovely photos!

  4. These photos are darling! You have a beautiful family, and I love your blog!


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