
25 October 2012

Caroline 7 Months

If it seems like Caroline just turned 6 months old that's because I was so late with that post. Our happy baby is cruising towards one at an alarming clip. This is such a wonderful age. Her cackles, giggles, and waves are adorable. And watching Riley and Caroline interact? It simply doesn't get much better than that. 

  • Caroline loves to play with her hands, feet, and toys. She enjoys spending time in her exersaucer, too. It's hysterical to watch her make it bounce. 
  • Recently, she's started making the "k" and "g" sounds. It's hysterical to hear her "talk" when you are talking to her. 
  • She loves reaching for people's faces, feeling the stubble on Uncle Christopher's chin, and playing with the brims of hats. 
  • Caroline is going through a "I want my mommy" stage. When I walk out of the room, she looks for me and starts crying. She's not so bad she won't let anyone else hold her or calm down on her own, but it's definitely obvious she's more comfortable when I'm in view. I'm not complaining. 
  • Please pray for Caroline. She has a pretty bad clogged tear duct that has been there almost since birth. Apparently, most clear up before a baby's first birthday, but I'm beginning to have my doubts. While the surgery to correct it is supposedly simple, I'd definitely prefer my baby not be put to sleep. 
Enjoy this month's pictures. I'm not quite sure why they don't look bright and crisp like they do on my computer. There's something lost when I upload them to my blog for some reason. Also, I'm no photographer. I just enjoy trying to get good photos of my kids. Usually, I end up noticing things that detract from the quality (like the line between the sun and the shadow in the background of this next one) when I upload them to my computer. Such is life. 

Look for an update on Riley soon... I have the photos I just need to find the time to write the post. Until then, I'll leave you with one picture of her.

1 comment:

  1. so cute. I always love seeing your pictures you take. They look fine on my computer!



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