
26 October 2012

Riley Update, Fall 2012

Riley, Riley, Riley... it's hard to know where to begin. Two and a half years of fun, energy, and for the past year, chatting. From the moment this little girl wakes up until her head hits the pillow, Riley talks. She talks to us, she talks to her babies, she talks to Caroline (which she pronounces with a "t" sound). If you know David and me in real life, I know exactly what you're thinking: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

She also loves to sing. Riley walks around singing Sunday school songs she's learned with "Brother Dan," Dean Runyon scripture songs, and hymns she hears at the nursing home with my mom (Eebee takes her to our church's services there). It's so cute and especially humorous when she thinks she knows the words, but they really are totally wrong and make no sense whatsoever. 

Her most recent memorable comment came after the following scenario. Caroline and Riley needed me at the same time and since Riley was occupied, I went to the youngest first. Riley was disgruntled that I didn't choose her so she started to protest. This situation ended in a discussion between Mommy and Riley about patience and obedience. Riley knew she hadn't done right, so she looked at me and said, "Mommy, ask me what the Bible says!!" When we're talking to Riley about listening, we ask her that question and then quote Ephesians 6:1 "Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right" together. 

Ephesians 6:1 is one of the many Bible verses Riley has learned. I love the fact that her little mind already has scripture in it. It's our prayer that one day in the not so distant future those verses will make their way from her head to her heart and she will trust Jesus as her Savior at a very young age.  

1 comment:

  1. She is so fun and cute. What cute pictures. Hope she is feeling better!



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