
08 October 2012

Happy 6 Months, Caroline

These pictures were taken within a few days of Caroline's 6 month "birthday," but I have been so busy I'm just now getting to posting this update. Six months has passed by in the blink of an eye. It seems like we were just in the hospital worried about her choking/turning blue incidents, and now here we are to the point where we've finally just about outgrown the spit up stage. 
  • Caroline takes 2 naps a day (usually around 11 and 3), goes to bed around 7:30, and gets up about 8:30. 
  • Caroline does still use the paci during the day - thankfully she's able to replace it by herself now. That makes things very, very nice. She's still pacifier free at night, thankfully. 
  • As I hinted at above, Caroline's reflux is almost gone! When I was cleaning up puddles 5 or 6 times between every feeding, I never thought we'd see this day. She still has the rare spit up, but I think the last one was 3 days ago. 
  • Caroline can sit up on her own now (if we sit her up). She's still a little bit wobbly, but she can sit for a good while without toppling over.
  • Riley is fantastic at entertaining Caroline and making her laugh. I love it when we're driving down the road and I hear Caroline cackling at Riley. There have also been a couple times when they have been holding hands. Makes David and me very, very happy. 
  • Caroline LOVES food. If she sees us eating without her, she has a cow and starts grunting and grabbing. She loves fruit, broccoli, and oatmeal with pureed fruit. I'm pretty sure she doesn't have a full switch.
All in all, Caroline is a wonderful baby. She's content and happy watching the world around her and rarely cries. 


  1. she is so cute. I love her.

    I am working on the owl hat today!


  2. beautiful baby - happy 6 month birthday to caroline!

  3. Just gorgeous! I'm enjoying my 6month old too :)


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