
30 April 2013

Then & Now {My Babies Are Too Big}

When we were in the girls' bedroom the other day, I remembered that some of the first photos I took of them together were in the rocking chair in the room. When that realization hit me, I stuck them both in the chair and grabbed my camera. I had to put the photos side-by-side to see how much my girls have grown in just a little over a year. 
then now
Obviously, the changes in Caroline are more dramatic. Riley's grown a lot, but her features are almost the same. Just a little more "grown up" looking. Caroline, on the other hand, has changed so much. The first year of life brings about so many changes it's amazing. While I sometimes miss the cuddly newborn days, I'm certainly thankful that we're way past clogged tear ducts and oodles and oodles of spit up. 

Cherish the moments and redeem the time, my friends. The days are passing far too quickly.


  1. Precious photos! It is amazing how much little ones change that first year. I'm always shocked looking back at Rosen's newborn photos. She looks so different!

  2. Beautiful pictures Lauren! Time sure does fly. I have one of those frames with pictures of Kaylee at each month and I look at it from time to time and still can't believe that it's the same baby.

  3. Your babies are precious. Little ones grow up so fast! I can totally relate to that!!


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