
26 April 2013

Beautiful Mama Blog Award

Do you ever have one of those weeks months where you feel like you're really behind? This has been that month for me. There were sicknesses going around and heart issues acting up, and to be honest, I kind of checked out of a couple things for a week or two. As much as I hate to admit it, blog reading was one of the things that got shoved to the back burner (that's breaking the number one blogging rule, I suppose). As I was catching up this week, I found out that I was given an award. 

Stephanie from This Wonderful Life gave me the Beautiful Mama Blog Award. When I saw that she had won the award, I was thinking, she really does seem like a great mom! When I kept reading and saw that I was one of her nominees, I couldn't believe it. Head on over to her blog to check out Stephanie's amazing photography skills. Little Rosen is a cutie, too. 

As part of the award, I'm nominating some of my favorite mommy bloggers. 

Shannon from Bless Our Nest

What to do:
1. Use the above image in your acceptance post.
2. List 3 things you love most about motherhood.
3. Nominate as many other deserving mamas as you’d like!


1. I love watching all of my girls' firsts. Seeing that first smile, hearing that first word, encouraging that first step... the list could go on and on. As a SAHM, I feel so blessed that I've been able to watch most of the things my girls have done the first time they've done it. I know we've got many firsts yet to come, and I look forward to each and every one.


2. I love teaching my kids. I enjoy reading them books, showing them letters, and telling them about our wonderful Savior and what he's done for them. I love watching them soak up the things that they're taught. Seeing Riley's brow furrowed in concentration and Caroline's little hands doing different ASL signs encourage me to keep teaching them. Children truly are little sponges. 


3. I love sharing this journey called parenthood with my best friend. I can't imagine being on this adventure with anyone else by my side. I love the moments when we're sitting on the couch and we each have a little girl in our lap and those times when we can sing silly songs and pretend we're monsters chasing after them. I also love those times when we look at each other and say we have kids. Can you believe it? Life is wonderful and sometimes it just feels too good to be true. 


  1. I love each and every one of your 3 things! #3 is a really good one! I wish I had thought to include that in my 3 things. I love all the photos, too! Thanks for the sweet shout out :-)

  2. Awe! Thanks so much! I too love your 3 things! It's so amazing being a mom. :)

  3. Thanks so much for mentioning me, Lauren. I think you are a beautiful mama too! Not sure if I will be able to getting a post written up soon with the award, but I appreciate you nominating me:) I love your blog and appreciate your stand for the Lord. Keep up the great work!


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