
22 April 2013

Family Photos {Finally}


As some of you may remember, we had our family photos taken last month. I posted about our outfit choices here. Our photographer got our proofs to us very  quickly, but we had some crazy things going on that prevented me from choosing. In the end, we went with the option of purchasing all the digital files - good move when you can't pick your favorites. All photos were taken by Ronda of Ronda Wollard Originals


The main purpose of our shoot was to get photos of the girls. Since their birthdays are 12 days apart, we will probably do our family photos in March of each year. This will let us get those special birthday photos, as well as a few family pictures. As you can tell, Caroline was thrilled with the cake - it was gorgeous and delicious so I definitely don't blame her. 


Our big girl loved her balloons, too. Ronda emailed me ahead of time to find out Riley's favorite color. Riley enjoyed them for a few days after our session!

And because I can't choose which to share with you, here are a few more. 






  1. I can see why you had a hard time picking favorites! Such a cute little family!

    My kiddos birthdays are just 3 days apart (in August) and hadn't thought about doing family pics along with the birthday ones each year how smart!

  2. I think they all turned out so great! You have such a beautiful family :)

  3. Oh Lauren, I just only recently found your lovely blog, & yet when I saw your beautiful family pictures I teared up.....such a perfect moment in time. I know you have probably heard it a thousand times, but the time, when measured by our children, really does go by so very quickly. You blink, & one day you're a mom of children in their 30's, yet when you look back through your old family photo albums (because back in those days there was no internet!)~you see yourself as a young mom, a young wife, with your babies as toddlers; the fierce protectiveness & the pride you are told by so many how it will grow & change over time....

    Enjoy every moment~you strike me as someone who cherishes it all, & best wishes to you, your husband, & your sweet girls....& thank you for your blog!

    Lisa in Lake O., Oregon
    Mom of a 30-something & a Crochet Beginner of over a year!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous photos of you and your family! The girls are beautiful!

  5. What great pictures! I love the outfits and the cutie pie girls make the pictures even sweeter. :)

  6. I LOVE the pictures of your sweet little ones! Ooops, sorry, your "Big Girl" and little one! They are such sweet, cute and adorable girls! You are truly blessed! :-) I am glad I found your blog from Pinterest! I am now a follower and hopefully will get some great patterns...I have a blog, however, I have not been a great blogger...once I get my crocheting up and going on FB, I hope to have my blog going as well! Hope to have you as a follower, as well! My blog is Life as I Ponder it ( of course and with now spaces) :-) Thank you for some great ideas from your blog! Happy Blogging! :-)

  7. These photos are so incredibly gorgeous! What a beautiful family you have! I can tell Riley had a lot of fun with those balloons. What a good idea! I'm sure Caroline loved the cake, too! Absolutely precious!


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