
19 April 2013

Easy Crocheted Baby Blanket & Random Acts of Kindness

Baby Blanket:Random Kindness

Remember that easy crocheted blanket I messed up a while back? I made another one the right way this past week. I have unbelievable amounts of yarn in my stash so I'm trying desperately to deplete some of it. I added it to my Etsy shop in hopes of selling a ready-to-ship item - always nice! 

Then, on Tuesday, I was driving up our street and saw some balloons and a sign in a neighbors' yard. The balloons were pink and the sign gave the stats for their new baby girl. Later that evening, David and I were talking about the sign, and an idea struck me. What if I took this blanket and gave it to the new family as a gift for their precious little girl? The family is brand new to our street and most of our neighbors are older - I'm sure it would be nice for them to know there are some people with little kiddos on the street.


Afraid that it might be a little weird, I went to my Facebook page to ask my "followers" about it. I couldn't believe how quickly I started getting replies. Within an hour or so, the unanimous vote of over 60 of my "fans" was a resounding "YES!" Many mentioned how we need to go back to being more neighborly, etc. 
So, I'm going to do it. Tonight or tomorrow, I'm going to weave all my ends (yes, I'm that crocheter who puts it off as long as possible) and I'm going to wrap it up and deliver it this weekend. Hopefully, it will open the door to a friendship with a new mom and neighbor. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.
Have you ever done any random acts of kindness? Would you think it was wonderful or weird if a neighbor dropped off a handmade gift? I'd love to hear what you think.
If you're interested in making a blanket of your own, I used this free pattern. You can view my project details, including what yarns I used, here

I link up to these parties.


  1. random acts of kindness are always welcomed..especially when you are new to the neighborhood and don't really know your neighbors. Good for you for stepping up and out...

  2. I think it's a wonderful idea! The blanket is so beautiful. I would probably be shocked, but oh so happy to receive a present like this from a neighbor.

  3. A friend of my cousin is having a baby boy & I felt inspired to crochet her a small blanket even though I don't really know her but we meet regularly when I'm with my cousin, I feel that doing this small act of kindness will help us develop our own friendship seeing as we will be having our babies at the same time & will hopefully have a lot in common & help each other through the early weeks of having a new born!!

  4. Oops. Meant to add that I think giving your blanket to your new neighbour is a lovely idea, I'm sure you'll make a friend for life x

  5. I'm an avid cross stitcher, and have bought fellow stitchers cross stitch charts when they've been going through a hard time, or just needed a little pick me up. Giving your new neighbors a blanket is a a lovely thing to do, I belong to a stitching group who make quilts for charity, too & last year we made valentine's cards for seniors living in care homes who likely would not otherwise receive any. I'm blessed in many ways in my life, & like to give back when I can :)

  6. I think it's a great idea. Plus the fact that they have put a sign and balloons out shows that they want to connect with their community - I think your response is perfect.


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