
15 January 2013

Preschool at Home {Odds and Ends}


We're going to be laid back in the preschool department for the next couple weeks. We're gearing up for our church's biggest and most anticipated meeting of the year, and we have lots of friends scheduled to visit. Even a playdate has been squeezed into the mix for this afternoon. We haven't been skipping out on our activities entirely, though. We've been reading lots of books.

preschool at home

We've also been doing a little painting here and there. We've got a theme we're working on and we can't wait to share it with you when we're finished!

Baking Cookies

And for a little real life experience, we baked cookies for some friends who came to visit.  Riley did the mixer all by herself. Yes, that is an ancient mixer. My hand mixer broke so I asked to borrow my mom's. She still has the one my parents have had since they were married almost 34 years ago. They definitely don't make things like they used to - I've already had two in our six years of marriage. 


Riley and Caroline had a cookie picnic after nap time. I wasn't going to give Caroline her own cookie, but Riley passed one over before I could stop her. Caroline went to town immediately so I just used the "I can't believe I'm doing this" moment as a photo op. 


And last but not least, my girls enjoyed some sister bonding time. These two crack each other up. As bad as this photo is, it really captures their interaction well. 


  1. I'm a new visitor to your blog, it is wonderful and great photos of your pretty princesses xx

  2. Hi! Your teddy bear is gorgeus but not beautiful as your daugthers! I like your blog as much. Ciao from Gloria


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