
31 December 2012



Today this guy is coming home and we couldn't be happier. It's been a long two weeks without Daddy, but we're so glad he had the opportunity to spend time in Greece telling people about Jesus! God has certainly blessed the three Brown girls with a wonderful husband and daddy - we don't take him for granted. I'm so thankful for a spouse who's so involved with our kids, loves the Lord with all his heart, and is the best husband I know. 

A friend recently said that the time away tends to strengthen our marriages and I have to agree with her. Thankfully for David and me, we've always found that old cliche to be true - absence definitely does make the heart grow fonder. When we're apart, I pray for him more, think about what I miss and love, and anticipate the day he comes back. I don't think those things can do anything but help a relationship. 

IMG_3411 coming home

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet testimony to your husband!
    A man of God is truly a blessing not taken lightly. God bless your whole family.


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