
18 December 2012

Preschool at Home: {Winter Wonderland}


Riley and I had a great time last week exploring a Winter Wonderland. As I may have mentioned in last week's preschool post, Riley has been talking about "going to winter" lately. Obviously, she was a little bit confused about the topic so I thought it would be a great theme for our preschool adventures. 

Winter Sensory Bin

We started the week off with a winter sensory bin. Riley had a great time playing with its contents - we even put it in the freezer for a little while to make it a little frosty. We did a summer sensory bin a few months ago, but she didn't enjoy it nearly as much. I would say she actively played with this for a good 30 minutes before saying she wanted to move on to something else. After she was done with independent exploration, we sorted, counted, and manipulated the items together. A more detailed post about our winter sensory bin can be found here at Pint-Sized Treasures (I'll be writing preschool posts twice a month on this blog - super excited!).

Throughout the week we talked a lot about winter - a subject Riley knows little about. In order to build some background knowledge, we watched videos on YouTube of snow falling and kids sledding. We also discussed how we have to put on jackets and gloves when it gets very cold. 

preschool @ home winter

Lots of snowflake and snowman crafts were on our agenda for the week. My favorite was the footprint snowmen shown in the photo at the top of this post. Riley still loves handprint and footprint projects so this was one of her favorites, too - even though it didn't involve glitter. I love these crafts, too, because they're cute and I know one day I'll look back and ooh and ahh over how adorable and tiny her feet used to be.

Please don't let Riley's sad face be an indicator of how our week went. We had a great time with these projects, she was just having a rough few minutes as we tried to snap our weekly photos. Daddy just left for a long trip and we're all a little bit sad.

Preschool @ Home Winter

I'll leave you with these photos of my little pupil. She was gathering sticks for snowman arms when I snapped these photos. Hopefully they'll leave you with the idea that we have fun on our preschool adventure - I really do promise it's not like pulling teeth. 

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