
27 December 2012

Our Life in Lists {While the Cat's Away...}

David's been gone for over a week now. We miss him, but we're hanging in there. We're thankful we've got great friends and family in town to help keep us occupied. Staying busy has helped the time pass much more quickly. Here's what we've been up to.

Fun With Friends

Shopping with friends. Great in theory, not so great in practice. Shopping at the outlet malls on I-Drive the last Saturday before Christmas wasn't my best move ever (but I had gift certificates and a 40% off coupon!). We did help a little girl find her parents, though, so maybe it was a good thing we went. Oh, and as a side note: if your'e going to rob a store and be surrounded by 5 cops, it's probably best to leave the kiddos home with Dad. 


Taking pictures of the kids has been a regular activity. I recently purchased a new lens (Canon 85 mm f/1.8) and I've been having fun playing and learning how to use it. I'm happy with my purchase and it has helped me determine that I'm definitely a prime lens girl. 

Fun With Friends

We've been eating way too much food and spending time with great friends. Cherryl-Ann (a friend David and some others from our church met on a missions trip to Trinidad) has been with us most of the time David has been in Greece. It's been great to have adult company and help with the girls! She's enjoying her Christmas break and I think Caroline and Riley have captured her heart.

Fun With Friends

Riley misses her Daddy. Last night she was spinning and got "busy." She tripped and hit her nose on her baby changing station. While we held her down and put ice on the bump, she was crying for Daddy (and saying "I don't like ice!!!"). She's been a good girl while David's been gone, though. She's been visiting with Eebee and Papa and playing with friends to help pass the time. 

We are so thankful that David (pink tie) has been able to spend this time in Greece - he's visited places Paul preached and was imprisoned and done some preaching with a translator. It's been a wonderful opportunity and someone trusted Christ as his Savior last Sunday. That makes this time without him very well worth it. If you'd like to read the updates, you can do so here

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having fun! Sometimes spouses going overseas is the best thing for our marriages--makes us realize how much we love each other. :)


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