
13 December 2012

Our Life in Lists: {Sounds You'll Hear at Our House}


Do you ever sit back and listen to what's going on around you? I can't tell you how many times my husband and I have said something like "Do you hear that? I love that sound!" (usually in reference to number 1 below). If you were to venture into our home on any given day, these are the sounds you couldn't help but hear: 
  1. the pitter patter of Riley's adorable little feet as she prances around the house
  2. the chatter of Caroline as she talks to whatever or whomever she's playing with
  3. the word no (usually from mommy providing instructions or correction when it's necessary)
  4. lots of I love yous
  5. Riley singing Sunday School songs or hymns at the top of her lungs
  6. the hum of a vacuum cleaner
Let's face it, these aren't the only noises that come from our house. Some days  you'd hear lots of crying, a good deal of whining, and the impatient voice of an imperfect mother. Thankfully those sounds aren't rampant. I encourage you to take time to listen to what's going on around you. I'm not always the best listener, but I'm always thankful when I stop and take it all in. 


1 comment:

  1. I am loving the sounds of rest time as I type - silence from one (asleep) and high little voices of my other two pretend-playing with their toys in separate rest times with a burst of song every now and then.


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