
21 December 2012

Enjoying the Little Things: {Adorable Little Fingers}


Riley loves to play the piano. She typically plays on Wednesdays. That's the day I teach piano so the lid is usually up and the keys are visible and just begging to be tickled. She sits with an open music book - usually Chopin or Bach - and has a "lesson" (she teachers herself... just in case you're wondering). She often has a little piece of paper beside her on the bench because she's seen me do that while I'm teaching. She's such a little copy cat these days; may the Lord help me be someone worth imitating. 


These little hands have been clapping up a storm lately. When Caroline's happy, she claps. When she hears music, she claps. Today I think she even clapped when she saw food - a girl after my own heart. These little hands are learning to do more and more every day. Oh be careful, little hands, what you do.
the long road


  1. Love that picture of baby Caroline - sooo cute!

  2. Oh my- what sweet images. I love the little hands on the piano- that is a precious moment to remember. Oh & that sweet face clapping- so adorable & brings back so many memories of that age. I miss it & wish I would have cherished the moments a bit more at the time.


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