
30 June 2014

Off the Hook Monday Link Party {Week 8}

Happy Monday, friends. I hope yours is a great one. Mondays are a recovery day at my house - recovering from a busy weekend at church; catching up on housework. I always look forward to seeing all the projects linked up throughout the day (and week). They put a smile on my face and give me great crafty ideas for myself. 

Before you link up, don't forget to follow each of the hostesses:

Here are this week's fantastic features: 

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured:
Daisy Cottage Designs

Like any good link party, there are a few rules. We'll keep it short and sweet and you'll be linking up in no time. 
  1. Please link to one of the hostesses - Daisy Cottage Designs or Little Monkeys Crochet. If you're feeling especially cheerful, you could even link to both. You could also grab the button above. 
  2. It would make us especially happy if you would follow us on at least one social media site. You can find the links at the top of the blog. Be sure to comment so we can follow you back!
  3. Visit at least one other link and leave a kind and encouraging comment. The point of these link parties is to support each other and meet blogging friends!
  4. Please link to your blog post and not your homepage. Also, please avoid linking to Facebook pages, Etsy shops, or giveaways. 
We can't wait to see what you've been up to! Link up your latest and greatest and then come back next week to see if you've been featured!

Daisy Cottage Designs



Image Map


  1. Thanks for the the feature and the great party!

  2. Oh YAY! Thank you so much for featuring my Garden Tag Printables :D

  3. Thanks so much for the invite! I'll add you to my party list tonight when I get home.

  4. Thank you for hosting a wonderful party, I just found it and so happy that I did, have a wonderfully blessed week!

  5. Thanks for hosting! I've added you to my weekly link parties to link up in the future! Have a great week!

  6. Thanks Lauren - I've linked up a little late this week but better late than never, right? x

  7. I've never partied with you before...thanks for the invitation! :) Happy Fourth!


Please realize that I reply to comments via email. I am not ignoring previous posters :) Thanks for taking the time to comment!