
03 June 2014

Free Bible Verse Printable {Be Ye Kind... Ephesians 4:32}

Ephesians 4:32 Printable

Links to download this free printable are at the bottom of this post.

Don't you wish you were one of those people whose kids never needed a reminder about being kind? I'll be the first to admit, I'm not that mom. If you're new to the blog, you might not know that I have two little girls - Riley is 4 and Caroline is 2. It seems like I'm serving as a referee on a regular basis. I try to do more than break up the spats, though. My husband and I try to correct the kids and teach them what God's word says about kindness. 

This morning as I was fixing breakfast, our oldest was trying to quote Ephesians 4:32. Just last night Riley needed to be spoken to about being nice to others, and her daddy was teaching her this verse. I'm thankful that we have the Bible to turn to when we're instructing our kids. 

Since this verse (and the issue of kindness) was on my mind today, I decided to make this printable for our home. It will probably be displayed on a gallery wall in our schoolroom/multipurpose room (if that ever gets completed). 

I know a mom who had this verse posted all around her home when her kids were little - right the eye level of a 6-9 year old. I may not have fluent readers yet, but I think when I do, I'm going to be taping this snazzy reminder all over the place. 

Be Kind Printable

And since I know that not all of us are trying to teach girls how to be kind, I made the same print with a more boyish color scheme

If you'd like to print these out to remind your own kiddos about the importance of kindness, you can download them below. Don't worry... when you see them on the website, they look a little sketchy. Once they're on your computer, they should look just fine!

/ Image Map

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much! These will make wonderful Christmas gifts for my 4 cgildren, all whom have children!


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