
12 May 2014

Off the Hook Monday Link Party {Week 1}

I'm super excited to announce that the Off the Hook Link Party is back in business. It's going to be even better than before because this time, I've got Rebecca from Little Monkeys Crochet co-hosting. Rebecca and I are blogging buddies, and we recently realized just how much we have in common. 

Rebecca is a work-at-home-mommy to two of the most precious little boys on the planet (Sam is 3, Isaiah is 2); wife to her best friend, Zack, a youth pastor; and completely imperfect child of God, who gives her the grace she says she needs to navigate this crazy life. Rebecca started blogging and publishing patterns in early 2014 under the name "Little Monkeys Crochet" after the precious little monkeys who call her mommy. She finds beauty in simplicity, even as a crochet pattern designer, and she tries to design modern patterns that will inspire newbies and seasoned crocheters alike! 

Since there are no features this week, I'm sharing two of Rebecca's beautiful patterns. Be sure to check out the other patterns she has available in her free pattern library

Sweet Ocean Breeze Baby Blanket
I absolutely love the color combo and stitch that are used in this lovely baby blanket. Also, get a load of that printable tag. It's absolutely adorable. 

Pansy Pattern
Some flower patterns leave you scratching your head as to what flower you're making. Not so with this adorable pansy pattern. If you're looking at it from a distance, you might actually think it's real. 

Now it's time to show us what you've been up to recently! We're not just talking crocheted items, we want to see your latest recipes and greatest craft projects. We'll be picking our favorites each week so be sure to check back to see if you've been features. 

If you have, we'll be sharing your project on our Facebook pages (we have over 16,000 fans) and pinning them to a special board on Pinterest. Hopefully that will mean some great exposure for your post!
Daisy Cottage Designs

Like any good link party, there are a few rules. We'll keep it short and sweet and you'll be linking up in no time. 
  1. Please link to one of the hostesses - Daisy Cottage Designs or Little Monkeys Crochet. If you're feeling especially cheerful, you could even link to both. You could also grab the button above. 
  2. It would make us especially happy if you would follow us on at least one social media site. You can find the links at the top of the blog. Be sure to comment so we can follow you back!
  3. Visit at least one other link and leave a kind and encouraging comment. The point of these link parties is to support each other and meet blogging friends!
  4. Please link to your blog post and not your homepage. Also, please avoid linking to Facebook pages, Etsy shops, or giveaways. 
We can't wait to see what you've been up to! Link up your latest and greatest and then come back next week to see if you've been featured!


    An InLinkz Link-up

/ Image Map


  1. Thanks for the opportunity to link up. I will be a frequent visitor.

  2. Thank you for the invite, Lauren! Hope you have a lovely week :)

  3. Thank you for the link-up I already follow both your blogs and pages!

  4. Lauren, thanks for the invite!


  5. Congrats on your first party! And thanks for the invite!!

    ~Jenise from DIY Fun Ideas

  6. Hi Lauren, I have grabbed the button to join in with the Link-up next time. I am short on blogging time at the moment and I have a new post only half written.

    Thanks for hosting and for the link to Rebecca from Little Monkeys Crochet, I'm off for a quick look now :-)

  7. Hi Lauren, thanks for inviting me to share!

  8. Hi Lauren Thanks for the great party! Your patterns are beautiful.

  9. Thanks for inviting me over. I love a good link party.

  10. Thank you for stopping by Pressing In and Pressing On. Thank you also for the chance to link up!!

  11. Thank you so much for the opportunity to join your party! Looks like you have a great turn out for your first one! I'm excited to make this a regular thing!

  12. What an awesome party! I'm a little late in linking up...but am happy to have found it :) Now I'm off to click around. Thanks!

  13. Wow. Thanks for the invite. I love ur site, patterns and the color combos you use. Excited, as its my first link party :)

  14. Thanks so much for the invite, and congrats on your first party. Both your work, and your blog are beautiful! I look forward to future parties. :)


Please realize that I reply to comments via email. I am not ignoring previous posters :) Thanks for taking the time to comment!