
26 February 2014

Rainbow Ripple Blanket by Daisy Cottage Designs

Rainbow Crochet Ripple Blanket

I'm loving this ripple crochet blanket! Isn't it fantastic when a color scheme comes together just the way you imagine it? I've been working a lot with muted colors - light pinks, grays, yellows. Sometimes I just need to switch it up a little bit to get the crochet creativity flowing again. After making this hat, I thought it would make a beautiful baby blanket. 

Then, I thought adding purple might be a nice touch. I posed the question on IG and my Facebook page, and it was a unanimous yes - ADD THE PURPLE! So, I think I'm going to do it. 

Daisy Cottage Designs Ripple Blanket

I've obviously got a ways to go, but I'm super motivated to finish this blanket because I think it's going to look amazing when it's finished. I plan on doing some fun finishes to this so stay tuned to see the details soon! 

If you want to make a crochet blanket similar to this one, the pattern for this blanket is available in this post. I'm adding a new color after every two stripes. 

 photo ScreenShot2014-02-23at15138PM_zps45ae625b.png


  1. So pretty! Can't wait to see the finished product :)

  2. Lovely colours Lauren. Very 'happy' vibes from them! I am bout half way through a baby ripple blanket. My colours r more pale. Pink white n a blue n pink mix. Trying really hard to stick at it! I'm renouned for not finishing bigger projects such as these!


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