
04 May 2013

Random Thoughts on Blogging

April 2013
Ah, blogging. This whole blogging thing has been such an interesting experience. The Daisy Cottage Designs blog has gone through several looks, different "themes," and times of neglect. Recently, I've been devoting a good amount of time to my little portion of the Internet, and I usually really enjoy it. I love meeting new people (especially in real life, but I'll take "online" friends, too). I love reading people's stories - adoptions, the day to day, etc. I really love it all. 

When I think about the blogs that I love to read most of all, it's really not ones like mine - a craft tutorial here, a recipe there - though believe me, I do look at those for inspiration and ideas on ways to spruce up my home and wardrobe. I like the blogs that give a behind the scenes look at ordinary people. Why? I'm not quite sure. I remember when blogging first started getting popular, I thought about starting one and then stopped and asked myself, who in the world cares what I've been up to for the past couple of days? Then I started reading blogs and realized people really do care. I also realized that I care. I want to be able to go back and read about what we were doing 4 years ago. That's when I dipped my toe into the blogging waters and started "A Day in the Life of the Brown Family." (Please peruse with this thought in mind: I knew nothing about photography and nothing about blogging when I started that one. )


I think blogs give people a sense of camaraderie. Women (and I guess men?!) like knowing that other people have been through the same things. I find myself drawn towards blogs written by moms of toddlers and babies; blogs of moms with girls catch my eye, too. Of course, I veer towards those who are by Christian mothers trying to raise their kiddos to love the Lord and want to serve him. 

All this to say... I'm not really sure what. I was just reading some blogs today and came to the realization that my blog isn't even like the ones I love reading. Maybe it's to let you know that I'll be giving more peeks into my personal life; maybe it's to say that the blog is about to go through another metamorphosis.  I'm just not sure. I just know I haven't been doing the mom blogging thing much at all. I haven't been keeping track of the ridiculous things that Riley says or the adorable milestones that Caroline's been meeting. Fifteen years from now, I'm thinking those are the things I'm going to care about. 

So maybe this is what I'm saying: Despite the fact that all the blogging experts have decided that blogs should all be along one theme, that's not me. Yep, I love making cookies and taking pretty photos of them. Yes, I like crocheting adorable hats and sharing the patterns with you. But, I want to document life, too; and you know what else? I don't want two blogs. I want to do it all right here. So hang on to your hats, folks, because it might be a bumpy ride while I flounder around trying to decide the future of this little blog. 


  1. The thing I love about blogging is that there are no rules! You can write about anything and everything you want. It's crazy how much my blog has changed since I started. I'm looking forward to everything you'll be sharing in the future :-)

  2. Your writing style is great, your pictures are great, your girls are adorable... Looking forward to what comes next.

  3. Hey Lauren,

    I have been following you since last year, actually when it was the old blog, before the migration. I have two little girls, as well, and loved seeing your daughter's monthly updates, cute crafts, etc. I pray you find your vision and look forward to what is yet to come.


  4. I know exactly where you're coming from. I love crafting, DIYing and sharing recipes but I'm also a Mommy to three girls and feel like sometimes I just need to spend more time devoting to my family. It's hard to find a balance between our hobbies and interests and family. I think its a good balance to show your family and hobbies. Best of luck with your decisions and looking forward to reading more :)

  5. It's nice to hear the thoughts from someone who has been doing this for a while. I just started in January, and since then I've featured tutorials, sewing projects, organization, recipes, crafts, and whatever else I'm thinking at the time.

    In fact, for the past 4 weeks, it turned into a travel blog when I was in Europe for that time. Yes, I suppose not everyone cares about every post, but it's like a personal journal for me anyways!

  6. I think this is fabulous, Lauren, and I applaud you for following your heart and being willing to break "the rules" regarding blog niche and post topics.

    In fact, I wrote a post where I shared 5 pearls from 5 different bloggers and one pearl was just about this very idea - - that it's okay to break the rule on WHAT to post. (Here's the link: In fact, some of my favorite posts that I've written have been outside of my craft/diy niche.

    Just this past Friday I tried something called Five Minute Friday where I freewrote on the topic of "brave" for five minutes and published what I had. It wasn't what I was initially planning for that day, but I'm so glad I did it, and it has generated quite a positive response. In fact, I recommend you check out Lisa-Jo Baker's site (she sponsors the Five Minute Friday link up)...I've made a lot of great connections with other Christians through participating this past week. And it could be a fun way for you to share more personal stories here at Daisy Cottage Designs, too.

    Anyway, have a great rest of your weekend! And I look forward to seeing how your blog grows and changes along with you in the coming weeks/months!

    The Thinking Closet

  7. Love this. I totally agree with you. I originally started my blog as a family blog, to share with everyone what we were up to, but it slowly morphed into a craft mommy blog. I, like you, dabble is several things as well, and I share posts about our family. I like being versatile, and I love reading your blog because it's versatile, too! Keep it up :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Lauren,

    I love this. I too am getting my feet wet in making things on my blog a little more personal. I just started my blog, but I've had the first "real me" post written (in one way or another...still needs some editing) for the last two months! It's a pretty personal post, one I'm a little nervous to publish, but I'm also excited to add that personal "real me" touch to my blog. I have been following your blog for the last couple of months or so and I love what I've been seeing, and can't wait to see the new directions you go! xoxo!


    P.S. Sorry, I had this comment written and then found a pretty obvious typo and the type A inside me couldn't let it go, so I deleted it and wrote it again!


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