
19 March 2013

Preschool at Home {Easy Poppy Bunting}

Preschool @ Home

I'm loving the great weather we've been having around here so Riley and I took "school" outdoors. My little artist is hard at work in this photo, but she was a friendly little scholar. Every time a car would pass or a neighbor would walk by, she'd quickly glance up and give a friendly wave or a "hello! What's your name?" I really love that she's such a social butterfly. I hope she's always a people person. 


We were working on a poppy flower bunting for our playroom today. Riley loved painting with the sponge brush I had left over from a previous project. This little stinker doesn't like to have dirty hands, though. See that paper towel? I think that was number three. 

Easy Poppy Bunting

Here's our finished product. I really like the way it turned out. I don't know that we needed another pop of color in the play area, but it still looks great. The tutorial for this fun bunting is on Pint-Sized Treasures today so be sure to check it out!


  1. That is very cute. And cheery! I love poppies! I think my 7-year-old daughter would enjoy doing this craft as well!

  2. Very cute & a great way to bring spring inside!

  3. That bunting is really cute! What kind of paint do you usually use with your kids? My son loves to paint, but when he uses water colors, they all just blend together to an ugly brownish color. I've been wanting to find a new "kid friendly" paint to use!

  4. That poppy bunting is absolutely adorable! Thank you so much for directing me to the tutorial...I think it would be perfect in my little girls room :)

  5. What a perfect project to include your daughter in! I love the bright colors of the poppies - so pretty! I'm sure they will look wonderful on display!

  6. awwww it's so pretty! i love poppies!


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