
12 March 2013

Preschool at Home {Dirt 'n' Worms Dessert Recipe}

dirt cups dessert

If you've read my about page, you might remember that my husband is a youth pastor. Unlike lots of youth pastors, we have the privilege of working with all the kiddos at our church - not just the teenagers. We split the young people into two main groups: the 5-12s and the 13-18s. I love both groups. One really nice thing about the 5-12 year olds is that no activity ever flops. They seem to love anything and everything. David and I joke that if he just decided to have them run laps around the church they would still have a wonderful time.

This past Friday, we had the 5-12 group at the church for pizza and games. David's parents were in town so he asked his mom and me to make "dirt cups" for all the kiddos. They turned out really cute, and the kids (and my husband and father-in-law) loved them. They are prefect for a large group of kids - children at a birthday party, preschool groups, or sunday school classes would all enjoy eating this fun dessert. It would be a perfect way to get kids interested in learning about bugs, too.

dirt cups dessert

If you'd like to make your own dirt cups, it's really simple. I'll give you the recipe we used to make 30 (though we only got 27 because we filled the cups too full), but it could easily be altered to make more or less. Here's the recipe we used (we used this Kraft recipe for inspiration):

-3 family sized packets of instant pudding
-9 cups of milk
-1 16 oz. tub of Cool Whip, thawed
-60 regularly stuffed Oreos, crushed
-1 package of gummy worms

Make the pudding according to package directions (use a huge bowl... this is a lot of pudding). Let it set for a few minutes and mix in the Cool Whip. Mix in 2 cups of crushed Oreos. 
Spoon the mixture in to clear cups. Top with the remaining cookie crumbs and place a gummy worm on each. 
Chill for at least an hour before serving.


  1. Super cute; I always loved these as a kid! I'm going to have to make them for my kiddos soon- I kind of forgot about them.

    Thanks for visiting us at Clean Lean Mommy Machine. Excited to keep up with you and your blog!


  2. Those have always been a favorite of mine! My daughter was born the day before Halloween, the year she was in preschool I made these for her birthday treats. They were a BIG hit with all of the kids. :-)

  3. Did you just crush the whole Oreo, or did you take the creme off? Cuz I have an amazing strawberry cream cheese and whipped cream pie I make that I would love to do in cups instead to portion since someone always seems to walk off with the whole pie and leave everyone else hanging...

  4. Thanks for linking up to our play based learning linky! These look yummy :)

  5. My daughter loves this! It's her birthday school treat request every year. :)



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