
22 March 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {A Girl & Her Goldfish}

cheesy grin

This is Caroline's newest smile. If you smile at her, you might just be rewarded with one of the cutest little grins you've ever seen. It might look like she's crying in the picture, but she's as happy as can be. Keep reading and you'll see why. 

goldfish baby 2

When Riley wakes up from her nap, she usually has something to eat. Riley's snack of choice is generally goldfish. For whatever reason, Riley must have either left them on the floor beside the pantry or forgotten to close the door. Later that evening, Caroline was playing on the kitchen floor while I was finishing dinner. I had to leave the room to grab something and when I came back (less than a minute later, I'd say), Caroline was going to town with one of her favorite snacks. Thankfully we have a no shoe rule in our house so the floors stay pretty clean. Since she was having such a wonderful time, I decided to grab my camera and capture some memories. 

goldfish booty

Caroline spent about 20 minutes eating and playing with her food. She threw them across the room, took them in and out of the bag, and tried to shove some in the door of the fridge. She giggled and grinned and gave me looks that seemed to say, I can't believe you're letting me do this. 

goldfish feet

With Riley, I probably would have quickly removed her from the situation and cleaned up the mess. I don't feel like there's much I'm changing this second time through babyhood; I'm glad that this time around I'm using some of those "oh brother" moments as photo ops, though. It helps me not get frustrated with the situation and hopefully provides some great memories for my girls (though Caroline won't remember this one...). If I hadn't grabbed my camera, I wouldn't have captured the adorable little grin in the first shot. 


Speaking of the first time through babyhood, that first baby of ours is turning three tomorrow. It's hard to believe that the six and a half pound peanut we brought home from the hospital is now a talkative, prissy girly girl. I can't wait to take some photos and devote a post entirely to her - I have a feeling three is going to be a great age!


  1. Such a cute post! What is it about gold fish kids just love? My little one is a big fan of them too! Love your captures; too adorable!

  2. Love your blog by the way! I'm following you on almost all of your social networks and I joined GFC :o)

  3. Your little girls are so darling...and your photography is gorgeous! I love seeing little slices out of other mommies lives :) Have a great weekend!

  4. HA! Love the goldfish stuck on the toosh. :)

  5. These are just too cute! I love Caroline's newest smile! That photo of the Goldfish on her bum is too funny. And Happy birthday to Riley!


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