
08 March 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {Celebrating Mom's Birthday}

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My mom's birthday was Monday, so we went to dinner with my parents and my brother in honor of my parent's birthday. My mom would kill me if I put her age on the world wide web for all to see, but let's suffice it to say that she looks fantastic for her age (which is closer to 60 than to 50). I hope that her "stay looking young" genes were passed on to me. My mom and dad also just celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. I'm so thankful for parents who have been faithful to the Lord and to each other.

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Riley and Caroline are unbelievably blessed to have so many people to love them. They have my family, David's family, and our church family to love them and pray for them. David and I couldn't be happier about that.

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My brother may be the only human being over the age of one to be able to fall asleep in a busy restaurant. In his defense, we ate at Texas de Brazil and he had eaten a little too much filet mignon and Brazilian sausage. He also could just be a pro at "resting his eyes" like our dad.

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This isn't our best picture, but we hardly ever get photos of just the two of us anymore (that aren't self-portraits). I was really wishing I had a 35 mm lens while we were in the restaurant. The tables were too close together to back up much so everything's very close up. 


  1. Happy Birthday and Anniversary to your parents! Glad you were able to get together and celebrate. Have a great weekend.

  2. You, your mom, and Caroline all look so much alike in these photos! Very pretty :-) Love the photo of you and your hubby, too! Looks like a very fun night.

    1. I meant Riley, but Caroline looks like y'all too!


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