
22 February 2013

Enjoying the Little Things {My Little Singer}


I'm sure I've mentioned how much Riley enjoys singing. Sometimes I feel like we live in a musical because she might break into song at any moment. Everything's a hymnbook and there really doesn't need to be any good reason to sing a little tune. I'm thankful that our oldest girl is so joyful. I'm even more thankful that the songs she enjoys are from church. 

Riley's current favorite is "At Calvary." I think she first heard it at the nursing home service she attends with my mom. She calls it the "Liberty" song and performs it several times a day. This morning I decided I wanted to get it on video because while I have oodles of photos, I have very few videos of my kids. When I asked her to sing it for me she said, "I have to go get my glasses first" - such a little ham! This video is cute, but I'll have to admit that Riley is much less animated in this rendition than normal. I'm guessing it's because she had just gotten out of bed and hadn't even eaten breakfast yet. 


  1. So precious!It is so wonderful to see kiddos praising and singing for the Lord. My daughter was saved at 5 and it was a joyful experience. They hear and understand way more than what we think! :)

  2. She was really singing it out at Bible Conference when you were playing it on the piano before the services!!! :)

    Love her.


  3. What a cute little girl you have...she is adorable singing!

  4. That was so cute! I love how she took her glasses off when she was done singing, so adorable!!

  5. How neat!!! How blessed you and your family are!!

  6. She sing so clearly! Adorable--and the glasses were hilarious :)

  7. Oh my goodness...that video is beyond precious!! What a performer she is! I love the photos, too!


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