
06 December 2012

Our Life in Lists: {Riley-isms}

I love making lists. I have them all over the house - scribbled on scraps of paper, written neatly in pretty notebooks, typed into my iPhone. Just yesterday I found an old journal with lists pertaining to our wedding (almost 6 years ago). Talk about taking a walk down Memory Lane. Lists make documenting everyday life so simple. 
With that in mind, I'm hoping to start a weekly feature here at the Daisy Cottage Blog. In order to document life as we know it, I'll write lists about different topics. Sometimes it will be a simple list; sometimes there will be explanations (like today). For starters, I just have to share the funny things our oldest has been saying on a regular basis. 
  • or no? This generally follows a request to do something fun or eat something yummy. "I'm going to eat some ice cream... pause... or no?"
  • But I like _____ sometimes. This is what Riley says when she wants to do something and I've said no. It's as if reminding me that she really enjoys it will make me change my mind. 
  • Are we going to church today? Riley loves church. This couldn't make me any happier. We are at church more than your average family since David's the youth/assistant pastor, but we're definitely not there enough for Riley. Often a no to this questions is followed by But I like to go to church sometimes.
  • I love you so, so much. Sprinkled randomly throughout or days, this never fails to put a huge smile on our faces. 
  • Where's Tare-line? Riley can say the C sound without any problem except when she says her sister's name. As soon as she wakes up for a nap and realizes Caroline isn't in the room, she immediately wants to know where she is; I hope she's always this excited about seeing her sister. 
  • R for Riley! It could be on a shirt, it could be on the computer keyboard, or it could be in a book. Regardless, Riley is going to point out the letter and let you know "That's for Riley!" I'm pretty sure Riley doesn't believe me when I tell her other words begin with R

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